"Opening The Case"
The Affairs of Pattisons' Whisky

The Story Of One Of The Biggest Scandals In The History Of The Scotch Whisky Industry

During my research for the Leith Whisky Trail, I came across the infamous Pattison brothers.

By the second half of the 1800s, the brothers' business had become immense and its collapse in 1898 really did change the landscape of Scotch whisky. However, the story of the Pattisons as people is equally, if not even more, compelling.

During the various lockdowns of 2020 and 2021, my interest in the Pattisons grew from genuine enthusiasm into outright obsession! To the point where I traced their entire family tree; tracking down and meeting with some of their relatives. The wealth of information generously provided by them has led me to collate this into the forthcoming book.

This has by no means been an easy task; both the business and the family relationships form an enormous, intricate web. It was one that was definitely worth unravelling and the book "Opening The Case: The Affairs of Pattisons' Whisky" will be available to purchase soon!

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