Abbot's Choice

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Abbot’s Choice is a blended whisky, the brand being one of the vestiges from Distillers Company Limited which is now effectively Diageo. It was created by John McEwan and Company, a subsidiary of DCL and, then, United Distillers. John McEwan and Co also held the licence for Linkwood distillery until 1992 so one might assume that Linkwood would have been one of the components of this whisky.

During the famous Guinness takeover of DCL, Georgian Antiques acquired their current premises of the former Abbot's Choice whisky bond.

I took a look around the building during a recent Edinburgh "Doors Open Days" event. Although the warehouse hasn’t been used to store whisky for many years, several of the original whisky bond features still exist.

Unsurprisingly, the vast majority of my friends aren’t that thrilled by the sight of a light switch that’s specifically designed not to create a spark. Nor do they become overly thrilled by old lifts that used to transport casks. For me, though, it’s a great way to spend an hour or so on a Saturday morning.

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