Impact of Yeast on Scotch Whisky Flavour

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Impact of yeast on Scotch whisky flavour in lab to bottle research programme

Research aims to innovate Scotch whisky flavour

This may well be a first for me. Literally copying and pasting a press release, that is. However, I think this is such an important step towards shifting people's thoughts away from the "it's all about the wood" axiom that it should be read as it was written (and not paraphrased by someone like me who, when it comes to the difference between M and MX, wouldn't know their arse from their elbow).

So here's the lowdown on the great work undertaken by Victoria and the Port of Leith Distillery:

Heriot-Watt University and the Port of Leith Distillery are undertaking a comprehensive examination of the impact of yeast on the flavours found in Scotch whisky.

Funded by Innovate UK, the Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) will test more than 20 strains of yeast, one of just three ingredients authorised in the production of Scotch whisky. As the KTP celebrates its first-year anniversary, its participants say it has already revealed some surprising results.

The project has already identified brewing strains of yeast more commonly used for beer that possess promising characteristics for whisky production, with an ability to maintain the balance between alcohol yields and flavour.

Yeast Impact on Scotch Whisky

Victoria Muir-Taylor is the Knowledge Transfer Partnership Associate Distiller at Port of Leith Distillery. A graduate from Heriot-Watt’s International Centre for Brewing and Distilling, she is leading the research. She said: “The objective of the research is to determine how the choice of yeast contributes to the complexity of flavours found in Scotch whisky.

“A huge amount of attention has been given to the type of cask used for maturation, but we want to focus on the early phases of the production process. We want to see what new characteristics we can bring out in a whisky from changing the yeast alone. We believe this is a key area for innovation.”

Until the mid-20th Century, many whisky distilleries shared yeast with the local brewery or used a combination of a distiller’s yeast for alcohol and a brewer’s yeast for flavour and mouthfeel.

Since the 1950s, the most prevalent strain of yeast used in Scotland has been M strains of S.cerevisiae. A new super-strain, called MX, has recently been introduced due to its quicker and more efficient impact on fermentation. Mauri, originally from a baker’s yeast, is also still used.

Yeast Impact on Scotch Whisky

Ian Stirling, co-founder of the Port of Leith Distillery, continues: “There are hundreds of commercially available yeasts and, while not all are suitable for whisky distillation, many can create unique and distinctive flavours in the new make spirit.

“Until recently, efficiency has tended to dominate the conversation about yeast. However, we’ve already seen a few companies conducting experiments with some wonderful results reaching the market. However, Scotland still lags behind the US in terms of innovation in this area.

Yeast Impact on Scotch Whisky

“We have now reached the halfway point in our two-year research and development programme, in which we are experimenting with a wide range of yeasts and fermentations, drawing ideas from different sectors of the drinks industry. We want to find new flavours and styles that we can draw through to our distillate. There are a huge number of variables to consider such as how long you ferment for and at what temperature, but we firmly believe that this research will be beneficial for the industry as a whole.”

Victoria Muir-Taylor concludes: “We will be sharing the results of this project with the industry at large to benefit innovation and the continued growth and development of the Scotch whisky industry. As one of Scotland’s key exports, it is essential that we continue to push boundaries.”

The KTP will be completed in September 2020 with the findings made public.

NOTES to Impact of Yeast on Scotch Whisky Flavour

Heriot-Watt’s International Centre for Brewing and Distilling

The International Centre for Brewing and Distilling (ICBD) is a unique teaching and research facility at Heriot-Watt University. The Centre is based on a partnership between industry and academics and is the only institution in the UK to offer both Honours and Masters degrees in Brewing and Distilling.

Victoria Muir-Taylor

Victoria Muir-Taylor is another award-winning graduate of Heriot-Watt’s international Centre for Brewing and Distilling. She previously studied the potential for non-conventional yeast species in low alcohol beer, trained as a brewer with Edinburgh’s Stewart Brewing, and was a distiller at the Glasgow Distillery.

Port of Leith Distillery

The Port of Leith Distillery is a major new whisky distillery and tourism landmark planned for a site adjacent to the Royal Yacht Britannia in Edinburgh. Founded by two friends from Edinburgh, the 40m tall structure is intended become a modern face for Scotch whisky and bring a distinctive approach to spirit production. With its unique, vertical design, the building will be unlike anything seen before in the Scotch whisky industry and provide visitors with an inimitable experience as they follow the production process down through the building’s gravity-led system.

Seven years after the idea was first conceived, construction is finally about to begin in September. A satellite distillery (The Tower Street Stillhouse) is now operational nearby in Leith from where the company produces Lind & Lime Gin and distributes an oloroso sherry.

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